Java supports class reuse through inheritance and composition. In this
two-part article we'll focus on inheritance, one of the fundamental
concepts of object-oriented programming. First, you'll learn how to use
the extends keyword to derive a child class from a parent
class, invoke parent class constructors and methods, and override
methods. Object is Java's ultimate superclass, from which every other class inherits.
Relating classes through inheritance
Figure 1. A pair of inheritance hierarchies are rooted in the common vehicle category
Inheritance is a programming construct that software developers use to establish is-a relationships
between categories. Inheritance enables us to derive more-specific
categories from more-generic ones. The more-specific category is a kind
of the more-generic category. For example, a checking account is a kind
of account in which you can make deposits and withdrawals. Similarly, a
truck is a kind of vehicle used for hauling large items.
Inheritance can descend through multiple levels, leading to
ever-more-specific categories. As an example, Figure 1 shows car and
truck inheriting from vehicle; station wagon inheriting from car; and
garbage truck inheriting from truck. Arrows point from more-specific
"child" categories (lower down) to less-specific "parent" categories
(higher up).
Jeff Friesen
Figure 2. Hovercraft multiply inherits from land vehicle and water vehicle categories
This example illustrates single inheritance in which a child category inherits state and behaviors from one immediate parent category. In contrast, multiple inheritance
enables a child category to inherit state and behaviors from two or
more immediate parent categories. The hierarchy in Figure 2 illustrates
multiple inheritance.
Categories are described by classes. Java supports single inheritance through class extension,
in which one class directly inherits accessible fields and methods from
another class by extending that class. Java doesn't support multiple
inheritance through class extension, however.
Class extension: Is-a relationships
Java supports class extension via the extends keyword. When present, extends specifies a parent-child relationship between two classes. Below I use extends to establish a relationship between classes Vehicle and Car, and then between Account and SavingsAccount:
Listing 1. The extends keyword specifies a parent-child relationship
classVehicle{// member declarations}classCarextendsVehicle{// inherit accessible members from Vehicle// provide own member declarations}classAccount{// member declarations}classSavingsAccountextendsAccount{// inherit accessible members from Account// provide own member declarations}
The extends keyword is specified after the class name and before another class name. The class name before extends identifies the child and the class name after extends identifies the parent. It's impossible to specify multiple class names after extends because Java doesn't support class-based multiple inheritance.
These examples codify is-a relationships: Caris a specialized Vehicle and SavingsAccountis a specialized Account. Vehicle and Account are known as base classes, parent classes, or superclasses. Car and SavingsAccount are known as derived classes, child classes, or subclasses.
Child classes inherit accessible fields and methods from their parent
classes and other ancestors. They never inherit constructors, however.
Instead, child classes declare their own constructors. Furthermore, they
can declare their own fields and methods to differentiate them from
their parents. Consider Listing 2.
Listing 2. An Account parent class declares its own constructor, fields, and methods
Listing 2 describes a generic bank account class that has a name and an
initial amount, which are both set in the constructor. Also, it lets
users make deposits. (You can make withdrawals by depositing negative
amounts of money but we'll ignore this possibility.) Note that the
account name must be set when an account is created.
Listing 3 presents a SavingsAccount child class that extends its Account parent class.
Listing 3. A SavingsAccount child class extends its Account parent class
The SavingsAccount class is trivial because it doesn't need
to declare additional fields or methods. It does, however, declare a
constructor that initializes the fields in its Account superclass. Initialization happens when Account's constructor is called via Java's super keyword, followed by a parenthesized argument list.
Listing 4 further extends Account with a CheckingAccount class.
Listing 4. A CheckingAccount child class extends its Account parent class
CheckingAccount is a little more substantial than SavingsAccount because it declares a withdraw() method. Notice this method's calls to setAmount() and getAmount, which CheckingAccount inherits from Account. You cannot directly access the amount field in Account because this field is declared private (see Listing 2).
Demonstrating the account class hierarchy
I've created an AccountDemo application class that lets you try out the Account class hierarchy. First take a look at AccountDemo's source code.
Listing 5. AccountDemo demonstrates the account class hierarchy
classAccountDemo{publicstaticvoid main(String[] args){SavingsAccount sa =newSavingsAccount(10000);System.out.println("account name: "+ sa.getName());System.out.println("initial amount: "+ sa.getAmount());
sa.deposit(5000);System.out.println("new amount after deposit: "+ sa.getAmount());CheckingAccount ca =newCheckingAccount(20000);System.out.println("account name: "+ ca.getName());System.out.println("initial amount: "+ ca.getAmount());
ca.deposit(6000);System.out.println("new amount after deposit: "+ ca.getAmount());
ca.withdraw(3000);System.out.println("new amount after withdrawal: "+ ca.getAmount());}}
The main() method in Listing 5 first demonstrates SavingsAccount, then CheckingAccount. Assuming,,, and source files are in the same directory, execute either of the following commands to compile all of these source files:
javac *.java
Execute the following command to run the application:
java AccountDemo
You should observe the following output:
account name: savings
initial amount:10000new amount after deposit:15000
account name: checking
initial amount:20000new amount after deposit:26000new amount after withdrawal:23000
Method overriding
A subclass can override (replace) an inherited method so that
the subclass's version of the method is called instead. An overriding
method must specify the same name, parameter list, and return type as
the method being overridden. To demonstrate, I've declared a print() method in the Vehicle class below.
Listing 6. Declaring a print() method to be overridden
Truck's print() method has the same name, return type, and parameter list as Vehicle's print() method. Note, too, that Truck's print() method first calls Vehicle's print() method by prefixing super. to the method name. It's often a good idea to execute the superclass logic first and then execute the subclass logic.
To complete this example, I've excerpted a VehicleDemo class's main() method:
The final line, truck.print();, calls truck's print() method. Note that Truck's print() first calls Vehicle's print() to output the truck's make, model, and year; then it outputs the truck's tonnage. This portion of the output is shown below:
Make:Ford,Model: F150,Year:2008Tonnage:0.5
Method overloading instead of overriding
Suppose you replaced the print() method in Listing 7 with the one below:
The modified Truck class now has two print() methods: the preceding explicitly-declared method and the method inherited from Vehicle. The void print(String owner) method doesn't override Vehicle's print() method. Instead, it overloads it.
You can detect an attempt to overload instead of override a method at
compile time by prefixing a subclass's method header with the @Override annotation:
Specifying @Override tells the compiler that the given
method overrides another method. If someone attempted to overload the
method instead, the compiler would report an error. Without this
annotation, the compiler would not report an error because method
overloading is legal.
Method overriding and protected methods
Java provides the protected keyword for use in a method-overriding context. You can also use protected
for fields. This keyword is commonly used to identify methods that are
designed to be overridden, given that not all accessible methods should
be overridden.
When you declare a method or field protected, the method or
field is accessible to all of the code within any class that has been
declared in the same package. It's also accessible to subclasses
regardless of their packages.
Java provides a standard class library consisting of thousands of
classes and other reference types. Despite the disparity in their
capabilities, these types form one massive inheritance hierarchy by
directly or indirectly extending the Object class. This is also true for any classes and other reference types that you create.
Exploring the root of all classes
Object is the root class, or ultimate superclass, of all other Java classes. Stored in the java.lang package, Object declares the following methods, which all other classes inherit:
Class<?> getClass()
protected Object clone()
boolean equals(Object obj)
protected void finalize()
int hashCode()
String toString()
void wait()
void wait(long timeout)
void wait(long timeout, int nanos)
void notify()
void notifyAll()
A Java class inherits these methods and can override any method that's not declared final. For example, the non-finaltoString() method can be overridden, whereas the finalwait() methods cannot.
We'll look at each of these methods and how they enable you to perform
special tasks in the context of your Java classes. First, let's consider
the basic rules and mechanisms for Object inheritance.
Extending Object
A class can explicitly extend Object, as demonstrated in Listing 1.
Because you can extend at most one other class (recall from Part 1 that Java doesn't support class-based multiple inheritance), you're not forced to explicitly extend Object. If you did explicitly extend Object, you would be unable to extend any other class. Therefore, you would typically extend Objectimplicitly, as demonstrated in Listing 2.
The getClass() method returns the runtime class of the object on which this method is called. The runtime class is represented by a Class object, which is found in the java.lang package. Class
is the entry point into the Java Reflection API, which I'll introduce
in a future article. For now, know that a Java application uses Class and the rest of the Java Reflection API to learn about its own structure.
Object cloning: clone()
The clone() method creates and returns a copy of the object on which it's called. Because clone()'s return type is Object, the object reference that clone()
returns must be cast to the object's actual type before assigning that
reference to a variable of the object's type. Listing 3 presents an
application that demonstrates cloning.
Listing 3's CloneDemo class implements the Cloneable interface, which is found in the java.lang package. Cloneable is implemented by the class (via the implements keyword) to prevent Object's clone() method from throwing an instance of the CloneNotSupportedException class (also found in java.lang).
CloneDemo declares a single int-based instance field named x and a main() method that exercises this class. main() is declared with a throws clause that passes CloneNotSupportedException up the method-call stack.
main() first instantiates CloneDemo and initializes the resulting instance's copy of x to 5. It then outputs the instance's x value and calls clone() on this instance, casting the returned object to CloneDemo before storing its reference. Finally, it outputs the clone's x field value.
Compile Listing 3 (javac and run the application (java CloneDemo). You should observe the following output:
cd.x =5
cd2.x =5
Overriding clone()
The previous example didn't need to override clone() because the code that calls clone() is located in the class being cloned (CloneDemo). If the call to clone() were located in a different class, however, then you would need to override clone(). Because clone() is declared protected, you would receive a "clone has protected access in Object"
message if you didn't override it before calling the class. Listing 4
presents a refactored Listing 3 that demonstrates overriding clone().
Listing 4 declares a Data class whose instances are to be cloned. Data implements the Cloneable interface to prevent a CloneNotSupportedException from being thrown when the clone() method is called. It then declares int-based instance field x, and overrides the clone() method. The clone() method executes super.clone() to call its superclass's (that is, Object's) clone() method. The overriding clone() method identifies CloneNotSupportedException in its throws clause.
Listing 4 also declares a CloneDemo class that: instantiates Data, initializes its instance field, outputs the value of the instance field, clones the Data object, and outputs its instance field value.
Compile Listing 4 (javac and run the application (java CloneDemo). You should observe the following output:
data.x =5
data2.x =5
Shallow cloning
Shallow cloning (also known as shallow copying) refers
to duplicating an object's fields without duplicating any objects that
might be referenced from that object's reference fields. Listing 3 and
Listing 4 actually demonstrated shallow cloning. Each of the cd-, cd2-, data-, and data2-referenced fields identifies an object that has its own copy of the int-based x field.
Shallow cloning works well when all fields are of the primitive type and (in many cases) when any reference fields refer to immutable
(unchangeable) objects. However, if any referenced objects are mutable,
changes made to any one of these objects can be seen by the original
object and its clone(s). Listing 5 demonstrates.
Listing 5. The problem with shallow cloning in a reference field context
Listing 5 presents Employee, Address, and CloneDemo classes. Employee declares name, age, and address fields; and is cloneable. Address declares an address consisting of a city and its instances are mutable. CloneDemo drives the application.
CloneDemo's main() method creates an Employee object and clones this object. It then changes the city's name in the original Employee object's address field. Because both Employee objects reference the same Address object, the changed city is seen by both objects.
Compile Listing 5 (javac and run this application (java CloneDemo). You should observe the following output:
Deep cloning (also known as deep copying) refers to
duplicating an object's fields such that any referenced objects are
duplicated. Furthermore, the referenced objects of referenced objects
are duplicated, and so forth. Listing 6 refactors Listing 5 to
demonstrate deep cloning.
Listing 6 shows that Employee's clone() method first calls super.clone(), which shallowly copies the name, age, and address fields. It then calls clone() on the address field to make a duplicate of the referenced Address object. Address overrides the clone() method and reveals a few differences from previous classes that override this method:
Address doesn't implement Cloneable. It's not necessary because only Object's clone() method requires that a class implement this interface, and this clone() method isn't being called.
The overriding clone() method doesn't throw CloneNotSupportedException. This exception is thrown only from Object's clone()
method, which isn't called. Therefore, the exception doesn't have to be
handled or passed up the method-call stack via a throws clause.
Object's clone() method isn't called (there's no super.clone() call) because shallow copying isn't required for the Address class -- there's only a single field to copy.
To clone the Address object, it suffices to create a new Address object and initialize it to a duplicate of the object referenced from the city field. The new Address object is then returned.
Compile Listing 6 (javac and run this application (java CloneDemo). You should observe the following output:
Array types have access to the clone() method, which lets you shallowly clone an array. When used in an array context, you don't have to cast clone()'s return value to the array type. Listing 7 demonstrates array cloning.
Listing 7.Shallowly cloning a pair of arrays
classCity{privateString name;City(String name){ = name;}String getName(){return name;}void setName(String name){ = name;}}classCloneDemo{publicstaticvoid main(String[] args){double[] temps ={98.6,32.0,100.0,212.0,53.5};for(int i =0; i < temps.length; i++)System.out.print(temps[i]+" ");System.out.println();double[] temps2 = temps.clone();for(int i =0; i < temps2.length; i++)System.out.print(temps2[i]+" ");System.out.println();System.out.println();City[] cities ={newCity("Denver"),newCity("Chicago")};for(int i =0; i < cities.length; i++)System.out.print(cities[i].getName()+" ");System.out.println();City[] cities2 = cities.clone();for(int i =0; i < cities2.length; i++)System.out.print(cities2[i].getName()+" ");System.out.println();
cities[0].setName("Dallas");for(int i =0; i < cities2.length; i++)System.out.print(cities2[i].getName()+" ");System.out.println();}}
Listing 7 declares a City class that stores the name and (eventually) other details about a city, such as its population. The CloneDemo class provides a main() method to demonstrate array cloning.
main() first declares an array of double precision
floating-point values that denote temperatures. After outputting this
array's values, it clones the array -- note the absence of a cast
operator. Next, it outputs the clone's identical temperature values.
Continuing, main() creates an array of City
objects, outputs the city names, clones this array, and outputs the
cloned array's city names. As a proof that shallow cloning was used,
note that main() changes the name of the first City
object in the original array and then outputs all of the city names in
the second array. The second array reflects the changed name.
Compile Listing 7 (javac and run this application (java CloneDemo). You should observe the following output:
The equals() method lets you compare the contents of two objects to see if they are equal. This form of equality is known as content equality.
Although the == operator compares two primitive values for
content equality, it doesn't work the way you might expect (for
performance reasons) when used in an object-comparison context. In this
context, == compares two object references to determine whether or not they refer to the same object. This form of equality is known as reference equality Object's implementation of the equals() method compares the reference of the object on which equals() is called with the reference passed as an argument to the method. In other words, the default implementation of equals() performs a reference equality check. If the two references are the same, equals() returns true; otherwise, it returns false.
You must override equals() to perform content equality. The rules for overriding the equals() method are stated in Oracle's official documentation for the Object class. They're worth repeating below:
Be reflexive: For any non-null reference value x, x.equals(x) should return true.
Be symmetric: For any non-null reference values x and y, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true.
Be transitive: For any non-null reference values x, y, and z, if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should return true.
Be consistent: For any non-null reference values x and y, multiple invocations of x.equals(y)
consistently return true or consistently return false, provided no
information used in equals comparisons on the objects is modified.
Additionally, for any non-null reference value x, x.equals(null) should return false.
Content equality
The small application in Listing 8 demonstrates how to properly override equals() to perform content equality.
Listing 8 declares an Employee class that describes employees as combinations of names and ages. This class also overrides equals() to properly compare two Employee objects.
The equals() method first verifies that an Employee object has been passed. If not, it returns false. This check relies on the instanceof operator, which also evaluates to false when null is passed as an argument. Note that doing this satisfies the final rule above: "for any non-null reference value x, x.equals(null) should return false."
Continuing, the object argument is cast to Employee. You don't have to worry about a possible ClassCastException because the previous instanceof test guarantees that the argument has Employee type. Following the cast, the two name fields are compared, which relies on String's equals() method, and the two age fields are compared.
Compile Listing 8 (javac and run the application (java EqualityDemo). You should observe the following output:
You can call equals() on an array object reference, as shown in Listing 9, but you shouldn't. Because equals() performs reference equality in an array context, and because equals() cannot be overridden in this context, this capability isn't useful.
Listing 9's main() method declares a pair of arrays with
identical types and contents. It then attempts to compare the first
array with itself and the first array with the second array. However,
because of reference equality, only the array object references are
being compared; the contents are not compared. Therefore, x.equals(x) returns true (because of reflexivity -- an object is equal to itself), but x.equals(y) returns false.
Compile Listing 9 (javac and run the application (java EqualityDemo). You should observe the following output:
Assigning cleanup tasks: finalize()
Suppose you've created a Truck object and have assigned its reference to Truck variable t. Now suppose that this reference is the only reference to that object (that is, you haven't assigned t's reference to another variable). By assigning null to t, as in t = null;, you remove the only reference to the recently created t object, and make the object available for garbage collection.
The finalize() method lets an object whose class overrides this method, and which is known as a finalizer, perform cleanup tasks (such as releasing operating system resources) when called by the garbage collector. This cleanup activity is known as finalization.
The default finalize() method does nothing; it returns when called. You must provide code that performs some kind of cleanup task, and should code finalize() according to the following pattern:
classsomeClass{// ...@Overrideprotectedvoid finalize()throwsThrowable{try{// Finalize the subclass state.// ...}finally{super.finalize();}}}
Because finalize() can execute arbitrary code, it's capable of throwing an exception. Because all exception classes ultimately derive from Throwable (in the java.lang package), Object declares finalize() with a throws Throwable clause appended to its method header.
Finalization for superclasses
It is also possible for a superclass to have a finalize() method that must be called. In these cases we can use a try-finally construct within finalize() to execute the finalization code. The finally block ensures that the superclass's finalize() method will be called, regardless of whether finalize() throws an exception.
When finalize() throws an exception, the exception is
ignored. Finalization of the object terminates, which can leave the
object in a corrupt state. If another thread (i.e., path of execution) tries to use this object, the resulting behavior will be nondeterministic. (See "Java 101: Understanding Java threads" for a complete introduction to threaded programming in Java.)
The finalize() method is never called more than once by the JVM for any given object. If you choose to resurrect an object by making it reachable to application code (such as assigning its reference to a static field), finalize() will not be called a second time when the object becomes unreachable (i.e., eligible for garbage collection).
Supporting hash-based collections: hashcode()
The hashCode() method returns a hash code (the
value returned from a hash -- scrambling -- function) for the object on
which this method is called. This method is used by hash-based collection classes, such as the java.util package's HashMap, HashSet, and Hashtable classes to ensure that objects are properly stored and retrieved.
You typically override hashCode() when also overriding equals()
in your classes, in order to ensure that objects instantiated from
these classes work properly with all hash-based collections. This is a
good habit to get into, even when your objects won't be stored in
hash-based collections.
The JDK documentation for Object's hashCode() method presents a general contract that must be followed by an overriding hashCode() method:
Whenever hashCode() is invoked on the same object more than once during an execution of a Java application, hashCode() must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals()
comparisons on the object is modified. However, this integer doesn't
need to remain consistent from one execution of an application to
When two objects are equal according to the overriding equals() method, calling hashCode() on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
When two objects are unequal according to the overriding equals() method, the integers returned from calling hashCode() on these objects can be identical. However, having hashCode() return distinct values for unequal objects may improve hashtable performance.
When I discuss hash-based collections in a future article, I'll demonstrate what can go wrong when you don't override hashCode(). I'll also present a recipe for writing a good hashCode() method and demonstrate this method with various hash-based collections.
String representation and debugging: toString()
The toString() method returns a string representation of
the object on which this method is called. The returned string is useful
for debugging purposes. Consider Listing 10.
Listing 10. Returning a default string representation
classEmployee{privateString name;privateint age;publicEmployee(String name,int age){ = name;this.age = age;}}
Listing 10 presents an Employee class that doesn't override toString(). When this method isn't overridden, the string representation is returned in the format classname@hashcode, where hashcode is shown in hexadecimal notation.
Suppose you were to execute the following code fragment, which instantiates Employee, calls the object's toString() method, and outputs the returned string:
Employee e =newEmployee("Jane Doe",21);System.out.println(e.toString());
You might observe the following output:
Listing 11 augments this class with an overriding toString() method.
Listing 11. Returning a non-default string representation
Listing 11's overriding toString() method returns a string
consisting of a colon-separated name and age. Executing the previous
code fragment would result in the following output:
Waiting and notification: wait() and notify()
Object's three wait() methods and its notify() and notifyAll()
methods are used by threads to coordinate their actions. For example,
one thread might produce an item that another thread consumes. The
producing thread should not produce an item before the previously
produced item is consumed; instead, it should wait until it's notified
that the item was consumed. Similarly, the consuming thread should not
attempt to consume a non-existent item; instead, it should wait until
it's notified that the item is produced. The methods wait() and notify() support this coordination.
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