Core java syllabus

11.       Introduction  - 5
a.       History
b.      Prerequisites of java
c.       Why java is important for internet ?
d.      Features of java
e.      Difference between c++ and java
f.        Parts of java
22.       Java download and installation - 1
33.       First step towards java - 2
a.       Jvm
                                                               i.      Garbage collection
                                                             ii.      Memory management
b.      First  java program
44.       Naming conventions and Variables and Data types – 4
a.       Comments
b.      Data types
c.       literals
d.      Identifiers
e.      variables
f.        Keywords
g.       Seperators
55.       Operators in java - 4
a.       Arithmetic operators
b.      Unary operators
c.       Relational operators
d.      Assignment operators
e.      Logical operators
f.        Boolean operators
g.       Bitwise operators
h.      Ternary or conditional operator
i.         Member operator
j.        Instance of operator
k.       New operator
l.         Cast operator
m.    Priority of operators
66.       Control statements in java - 4
a.       If…else…
b.      Do…while
c.       While
d.      For
e.      For-each
f.        Switch statement
g.       Break statement
h.      Continue statement
77.       Arrays - 1
88.       Strings - 2
a.       Creating strings
b.      String class methods
c.       String comparison
d.      Immutability of strings
99.       String buffer and stringbuilder - 2
a.       Difference between string and string buffer
b.      Creating stringbuffer object and methods
c.       Creating stringbuilder and methods
d.      Difference between stringbuffer and string builder
110.   Input and output - 3
a.       Command line arguments
b.      Accepting single character from keyboard
c.       Accepting string  from keyboard
d.      Accepting int value
e.      Accept float value
f.        Accept double value
g.       Accept other types of values
h.      Reading input using scanner class
i.         Displaying output
111.   Introduction to oops - 5
a.       Difference between procedure oriented and object oriented
b.      Problems in procedure oriented
c.       Features of oops
                                                               i.      Classes and object
                                                             ii.      Encapsulation
                                                            iii.      Abstraction
                                                           iv.      Inheritance
                                                             v.      Polymorphism
112.   Classes and objects - 3
a.       Introduction to class
b.      Object creation and initializing
c.       Access specifiers
                                                               i.      Private
                                                             ii.      Public
                                                            iii.      Protected
                                                           iv.      Default
d.      Constructors
e.      Destructors
f.        Object class
g.       Cloning the class objects
113.   Types of methods in java - 5
a.       Method prototype
b.      Method body
c.       Static methods and static block
d.      Instance methods
e.      Passing primitive data types to methods
f.        Passing objects to methods
g.       Passing arrays to methods
h.      Recursion
i.         Factory methods
j.        How many ways to create objects
114.   Objects relationship - 2
a.       Using references
b.      Using inner classes
c.       Using inheritance
d.      This and super and final  keywords
115.   Inheritance -2
a.       Introduction
b.      Syntax and usage
c.       Types of inheritance
116.   Polymorphism - 3
a.       Polymorphism with variables
b.      Polymorphism with methods
                                                               i.      Dynamic polymorphism
                                                             ii.      Static polymorphism
c.       Polymorphism with final methods and private methods
117.   Type casting - 2
a.       Casting primitive data types
b.      Casting referenced data types
118.   Abstract classes - 2
a.       Introduction
b.      Abstract method and class
119.   Interfaces - 2
a.       Introduction
b.      Syntax and usage
c.       Difference between abstract classes and interface
220.   Packages - 3
a.       Types of packages
b.      Interfaces in packages
c.       Sub package in package
d.      Availability of access specifiers in packages
221.   Exception handling - 5
a.       Types of errors in java
b.      Types of exceptions
c.       Try..catch..finally
d.      Throws and throw clauses
222.   Wrapper classes - 4
a.       Introduction
b.      Number class
c.       Character class
d.      Byte class
e.      Short class
f.        Integer class
g.       Long class
h.      Float class
i.         Double class
j.        Boolean class
k.       Math class
l.         Boxing and unboxing
223.   Collections - 8
a.       Introduction
b.      Collection interfaces
c.       HasSet and LinkedHasSet
d.      Stack,Queue,LinkedList, ArrayList and Vector
e.      HashMap and HashTable
f.        Retrieving elements from  collections
g.       Arrays,comparator,stringtokenizer  classes
h.      Calendar and data class
224.   Streams and files -7
a.       Introduction
b.      Types of streams
c.       Creating file using fileoutputstream/bufferedoutputstream/filewriter
d.      Reading data from a file using fileinputstream/bufferedinputstream/filereader
e.      Zipping and unzipping file
f.        Serilization of objects
g.       File class
225.   Threads - 5
a.       Introduction
b.      Single tasking and multi tasking
c.       Thread lifecycle
d.      Creating and running thread
e.      Thread class methods
f.        Thread priorities
g.       Single tasking using a thread and multi tasking using thread
h.      Thread sychonization
i.         Deadlock
j.        thread communication
k.       thread groups
l.         deamon threads
m.    applications of threads
226.   Generics in java - 2
a.       introduction
b.      generic class
c.       generic method
d.      generic interface
227.   Networking in java - 5
a.       Introduction
b.      Tcp/ip protocol and udp protocol
c.       Sockets
d.      url and urlconnection classes
e.      creating server that send data
f.        creating client that receive data
g.       two way communication between server and client

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