Genuine websites to earn money.

If you are interested in PTC sites then this article is for you. I have personally tried many of the sites and found that the best thing while dealing with PTC sites is to not register more than two sites,that way you can devote more time and attention to the particular site. After years of dealing with PTC sites , let me share with you the two best PTC websites.


Clixsclixsense_gpt468x60aense is one of the Most Reliable and Most Trusted PTC sites who passed the test of time. It has been online for more than 9 years, and it’s getting stronger by the day. Clixsense never missed to pay a single member so you can put your mind at ease that this PTC will give you an opportunity to earn money and pay you without hesitation.
You can earn by watching advertisements in your account everyday and the number of ads and the earning per ads differs  according to your location. top tier countries like united kingdom and USA have higher estimated earning while other countries have comparatively low. This is due to the fact that most marketers are targeting this top tier countries for sale and business.
You can also earn money  by Taking Offers, Doing tasks, Playing Grid Games and Answering Surveys, but the most promising among all of them is their 8-Level Affiliate Program.
Answering Surveys, Doing Tasks and Clicking Ads will let you earn a few bucks per month, but their 8-Level Affiliate Program gives you opportunity to have decent stable income, all you need to do is to upgrade your membership for $17 (which is very cheap compare to other PTC sites) and refer a few friends.
Basically, you can get $2 commission from your direct referrals if they upgraded their membership, and $1 commission from the succeeding levels who will do the same (up to tier 8). sign up from here


Best PTC Sites
Paying for more than 8 years,Neobux is also known as the king of PTC sites with very good reputation of instant payments to their users.Similar to clixsense you can earn in Neobux by clicking ads,there are at least 30 ads available from Neobux everyday, and every advertisement you click is worth $0.001. So you can make at least $0.90 in a month. While tasks are not always available, they pay better. Completing tasks with good accuracy will raise your rank one notch, and as your rank goes higher more tasks will be available for you with higher values.
Unlike clixsense you have an extra earning option in neobux where you can buy referrals, you pay some amount to neobux and they provide referrals for you to help you in earning more.Clicking ads and doing tasks will surely give you extra cash, but if you want to step up and earn more money from Neobux, recruiting referrals is the ultimate way.

How to call a javascript function from typescript in Angular2?

calling a normal javascript function from a typescripit file.

Assume that i have a javascript file names test.js and i have imported this file in the index.html of the application.

Now i need to call this test() function from app.component.ts file.

function test(){ cosole.log('test'); }

Use below way 
(window as any).test()

how to put html content in division - angular 2 html binding

For safe content just
<div [innerHTML]="myVal"></div>
Potential unsafe HTML needs to be explicitly marked as trusted using Angulars DOM sanitizer so doesn't strip potentially unsafe parts of the content
<div [innerHTML]="myVal | safeHtml"></div>
with a pipe like
@Pipe({name: 'safeHtml'})
export class Safe {
  constructor(private sanitizer:DomSanitizer){}

  transform(style) {
    return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(style);
    //return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle(style);
    // return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustXxx(style); - see docs

Genuine websites to earn money.

If you are interested in PTC sites then this article is for you. I have personally tried many of the sites and found that the best thing ...