A programmer need generally wants to do some operations in a
program. For example, in a program you want to perform multiplication of two
numbers. Here we use * symbol for multiplication. The symbols like +,-,* are
called operators and programming becomes easy because of them.
An operator acts on some variables called operands to get the desired results.
If an operator acts on a single variable it is called unary operator. If it is
acting on two variables then it is called binary operator. If three, then it is
called ternary operator.
Java provides a rich set of operators to manipulate
variables. We can divide all the Java operators into the following groups:
1. Arithmetic
2. Relational
3. Bitwise Operators
4. Logical Operators
5. Assignment
6. Misc Operators
Arithmetic operators:
are used in mathematical expressions in the same way that they are used in
algebra. There are 5 arithmetic
operators in java.
The following table lists the arithmetic operators:
Assume integer variable A holds 10 and variable B holds 20
Addition - Adds values on
either side of the operator
A + B will give 30
Subtraction - Subtracts right hand operand
from left hand operand
A - B will give -10
Multiplication - Multiplies
values on either side of the operator
A * B will give 200
Division - Divides left hand
operand by right hand operand
B / A will give 2
Modulus - Divides left hand operand by right hand operand and returns
B % A give 0
operator (+) is also used to join two strings.
Ex: String s1=”teach”; String s2=”you well”;
String s3=s1+s2; //here + joins s1 and s2.
Here + is called
string concatenation operator.
Unary Operators
As the name
indicates, unary operators act on only one operand. There are 3 kinds of unary operators:
1. Unary minus
operator ( -)
2. Increment
operator ( ++)
3. Decrement
operator ( --)
Unary Minus Operator (-)
This operator is used
to negate a given value. Negation means converting a negative value
into positive and
vice versa. For example:
int x=20;
//will display -20
//will display 20
Increment Operator (++)
This operator
increases the value of a variable by 1 for example:
int x=1;
//will display 2
//will display 3
Here, the value of
the variable x is incremented by 1 when
++ operator is used before or after it.
Both are valid
expressions in Java. Let us take an example to understand It better
Writing ++ before a
variable is called pre incrcmentation and writing ++ after a variable is called
Incrementation. In pre incrementation, incrernentation is done first and any other
operation is done
next. In post incrementation, all the other operations are done first and incrementation
is done only
at the end. To
understand the difference between pre and post incrementation, let us take a
of examples.
int x=1;
System.out.println(x); //displays 1
//will display 2
//will display 3
int x=1;
System.out.println(x); //displays 1
//will display 1
//will display 2
In this example, see
the left-hand side and right-hand side statements. The second statement on
the left uses
pre-incrementation. while the second
statement on the right uses post-incrementation.
At the left hand
Syat.m.out.println(x); // displays the value of x as 1
System.out.printlnt(++x); // first increments the
value of x and then displays it as 2
System.out.println(x); // displays the value of x, which is already incremented i.e. 2
At the right hand
System.out.println(x); // It displays the value of x, i.e. 1
System.out.prtntln(x++); // first displays the value of x as 1 and
then increments it.
Systam.out.println(z); // displays the incremented value of x,
i.e. 2
Decrement Operator (--)
This operator is used
to decrement the value of a variable by 1.
Int x=1;
System.out.println(--x); // It displays the value of x as 0
System.out.prtntln(x--); // it displays the value of x as -1
This means, the value
of x is decremented every time we use
-- operator on it. This is same
writing x= x-1.
Writing -- before a
variable is called pre-decreinentation and writing - - after a variable is
post -
decrementation. Like the incrementation operator, here also the same rules
Pre-decrementation is done immediately then
and there itself and Post-decrementation is done after
all the other operations are carried out.
Relational Operators:
operators are used for the purpose of comparing. The main use of these
operators is in the construction of conditions in statements.
There are following
relational operators supported by Java language.
Assume variable A
holds 10 and variable B holds 20 then:
Checks if the value of two operands are equal or not, if yes then
condition becomes true.
(A == B) is not true.
Checks if the value of two operands are equal or not, if values are
not equal then condition becomes true.
(A != B) is true.
Checks if the value of left operand is greater than the value of
right operand, if yes then condition becomes true.
(A > B) is not true.
Checks if the value of left operand is less than the value of right
operand, if yes then condition becomes true.
(A < B) is true.
Checks if the value of left operand is greater than or equal to the
value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true.
(A >= B) is not true.
Checks if the value of left operand is less than or equal to the
value of right operand, if yes then condition becomes true.
(A <= B) is true.
Bitwise Operators:
There are 7
types of bitwise operators in java. which
can be applied to the integer types, long, int, short, char, and byte. These operators operate on individual bits of
integer (int and long) values. If an operand is shorter than an int, it is
promoted to int before doing the operations.
It helps to
know how integers are represented in binary.
Binary number system uses only 2
digits. They are 0 and 1. For example
the decimal number 3 is represented as 11 in binary and the decimal number 5 is
represented as 101 in binary. Negative integers are store in two's
complement form. For example, -4 is 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1111
Binary AND Operator copies a bit to the result if it exists in both
Binary OR Operator copies a bit if it exists in either operand.
Binary XOR Operator copies the bit if it is set in one operand but
not both.
Binary Ones Complement Operator is unary and has the effect of
'flipping' bits.
left shift
Binary Left Shift Operator. The left operands value is moved left by
the number of bits specified by the right operand.
right shift
Binary Right Shift Operator. The left operands value is moved right
by the number of bits specified by the right operand.
right shift
Shift right zero fill operator. The left operands value is moved
right by the number of bits specified by the right operand and shifted values
are filled up with zeros.
Example: let us assume a=10,b=11.
a = 0000
b = 0000
a&b =
0000 1010
a|b = 0000
a^b = 0000 0001
~a = 1111 0101
a<<2 =
0010 1000
a>>2 =
0000 0010
Logical operators:
operators are used to construct compound conditions. A compound condition is a
combination of several simple conditions. The following are the logical
(and) operator
|| (or)
! not
Let us
assume X and Y are Boolean variables and X holds true , Y holds false.
Called Logical AND operator. If
both the operands are non zero then condition becomes true.
(X && Y) is false.
Called Logical OR Operator. If any
of the two operands are non zero then condition becomes true.
(X || Y) is true.
Called Logical NOT Operator. Use
to reverses the logical state of its operand. If a condition is true then
Logical NOT operator will make false.
!(X && Y) is true.
Boolean operators:
Boolean operators are act on Boolean variables and gives Boolean type results.
The following are the Boolean operators.
and operator
or operator
!boolean not operator
& operator return true if both the
variables are true.
Boolean |
operator return true if any one of the variable is true.
Boolean !
operator coverts false true and vice
boolean x,y;
x &
Y //returns false and gives true
only if both are true
x | Y //returns true
a &
a //returns true because both are
b | b //returns false since both are false
!a //returns false
!b //returns true
Assignment Operator (=)
This operator is used
to store some value into a variable, It is used In 3 ways:
1. It Is used to
store a value into a variable, for example:
int x =1 5;
2. It Is used to
store the value of a variable into another variable, for example: int a=b;
3. It is used to
store the value of an expression into a variable, for example:
a = b-c+5; //here a-b+5 is evaluated and its result is stored into x.
We cannot use more than one variable at the left hand
side of the = operator
For example:
a+b = 10; // this is invalid
We cannot use a
literal or constant value at the left
side of the operator.
For example: 10 = a;
Compact Notation
While using
assignment operator (=), sometimes we may have to use same variable at both
sides of the
operator. In such cases, we can eliminate repetition of the variable and use
notation or short cut
notation. As like as below
Simple assignment operator, Assigns values from right side
operands to left side operand
C = A + B will assign value of A + B into C
Add AND assignment operator, It adds right operand to the
left operand and assign the result to left operand
C += A is equivalent to C = C + A
Subtract AND assignment operator, It subtracts right
operand from the left operand and assign the result to left operand
C -= A is equivalent to C = C - A
Multiply AND assignment operator, It multiplies right
operand with the left operand and assign the result to left operand
C *= A is equivalent to C = C * A
Divide AND assignment operator, It divides left operand
with the right operand and assign the result to left operand
C /= A is equivalent to C = C / A
Modulus AND assignment operator, It takes modulus using
two operands and assign the result to left operand
C %= A is equivalent to C = C % A
Left shift AND assignment operator
C <<= 2 is same as C = C << 2
Right shift AND assignment operator
C >>= 2 is same as C = C >> 2
Bitwise AND assignment operator
C &= 2 is same as C = C & 2
bitwise exclusive OR and assignment operator
C ^= 2 is same as C = C ^ 2
bitwise inclusive OR and assignment operator
C |= 2 is same as C = C | 2
programmers use compact notations. However, both the expanded and compact
notation, are valid in Java.
Misc Operators:
supports a few operators. They are
ternaray operator, member operator, new operator, instance of operator, cast operator.
Ternary operator or conditional operator
operator is called ternary because it acts on 3 variables. The other name for
this operator is conditional operator, since it represents a conditional
statement. Two symbols are used for this operator ? and :
Syntax is
variable = expression1 ? expression2 : expression3;
This means
that first of all, expression1 is evaluated. If it is true, then expression2
value is stored into the variable. If expression1 is false, then expression3
value is stored into the variable.
is true)
Variable = expression2
variable = expression3;
class Test {
public static void main(String args[]){
int x , y;
x = 10;
y = (x == 1) ? 20: 30;
System.out.println( "Value of y is :
" + y );
y = (x == 10) ? 20: 30;
System.out.println( "Value of y is :
" + y );
Value of y is : 30
Value of y is : 20
Member operator (.)
This is also
called dot operator because its symbol is a . (dot or period). This operator
tells about member of a package or a class. It is used in three ways:
Java package contains classes. We can use .
operator to refer to the class of a package.
We know each class contains variables. To refer
to the variables of a class, we can use this operator.
Syntax: classname.variablename; objectname.variablename;
We know each class contains methods. To refer to
the methods of a class, we can use this operator.
Syntax: classname.methodname; objectname.methodname;
instanceof operator:
operator is used only for object reference variables. The operator checks
whether the object is of a particular type(class type or interface type).
instanceOf operator is wriiten as:
boolean variable = object instance of class;
boolean variable = object instance of interface;
If the
object referred by the variable on the left side of the operator passes the
IS-A check for the class/interface type on the right side then the result will
be true.
Following is the example:
String name
= ‘teachuwell’;
result = name instanceOf String;
// This will
return true since name is type of String
operator will still return true if the object being compared is the assignment
compatible with the type on the right. Following is one more example:
Vehicle {}
public class
Car extends Vehicle {
public static void main(String args[]){
Vehicle a = new Car();
boolean result = a instanceof Car;
System.out.println( result);
new operator:
operator generally used for creating object to classes.
Syntax: classname object = new classname();
Ex: Vehical veh = new Vehical(); //veh is an object of Vehical class
Cast operator:
operator is used to convert one datatype into another datatype. This operator
can be used by writing datatype inside simple braces.
Ex: double a
= 5.5;
int b = a; // error because the datatypes of a and b are
To store a
value into b, first we have to convert the datatype of a into the datatype of
b. that means double datatype should be
converted into int datatype by writing the int inside simple braces like below.
int b =
(int) a;
here (int)
is called as cast operator. This is generally used before a variable or a method.
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