What are the most useful money saving tricks?

Save Before You Start Spending Every month keep aside the amount of money you want to save from your salay. Do it as you receive the salary, don't wait till the end of the month
Spending Habits Control your spending habits. While you may often come across attractive Slaes and Deals, it is important to remind yourself about the budget you have set for yourself, spend within the allocated budget
Limit Your Social Circle This night seems odd but if you want to save money you have to follow it. Parties, social gatherings will take a big chunk of your budget if you get into these things
Lock Your Credit Card Credit card shall be the last option in your day to day spending. If you will use credit card to buy groceries, I am afraid you will never be off debt. Use credit card when you don't have any other choice
Avoid Borrowing and Borrowers The money you borrow from someone today is an added deficit to your future budget. Also I found the money I borrowed as sweet spending, you don't realize when you are spending but it's a pain when you have to return. Similary giving money to someone can also impact your saving plans
Invest Your Money If you have accumulated a good chunk of money, invest it. Your cash is depreciating everyday but the assets will keep increasing.
Follow Three steps:

Step 1: Stop buying shit you don't need.

Door-to-door salespeople worked for a while. Then someone thought, well, shit we should just put up signs saying "hey shoe repair at 131 main st." and that worked a little better than door-to-door salespeople. Now if someone needs a shoe repair they see the sign and go the address. Less overhead than a guy going door-to-door. Then the shoe repair guy started blowing up. Wow, he thinks, that's way more effective than employing individual salespeople. Hm. I should also sell brand new shoes instead of only offer repair services. They can either come in and get a repair or just buy a whole new pair.

So he changes the sign to reflect that. "Buy new shoes or get yours repaired at 131 main st." Business explodes. Dang he thinks. I should just sell shoes, screw the repair business. I make way more money when people buy new shoes. Hm, how do I convince people to buy new shoes? How do I make shoes absolutely indispensable?

Oh I know, I can make the general public feel inadequate in some small way, that, if they don't have absolutely brand new shoes at all points in time that they are somehow inferior to those who do. I mean nobody wants to feel inferior right? I'll exploit that very basic part of human nature to sell more shoes. He hires artists and writers and billboard-ists and lawyers etc to craft the perfect "campaign" to achieve this effect.

He pays famous cultural representatives such as actors and athletes to pitch the "idea" that new shoes are absolutely indispensable to modern living; matter of fact(the campaign may go) you can't go out in public with those shitty boots, here, buy these high-quality $600 leather boots. You need these fuckers to be taken seriously at all by anyone; and, hey(mr. big business winks creepily) they may get ya laid too...

Step 2: Save money by coming to the realization that most "things" that cost money are to drive some corporations growth curve up and to the right; and not much else.

Some rich MBA, ivy-league educated, C-level asshole needs to impress his family/friends by increasing the stock price. And your bank account is their golden ticket to success.

Realize that most "stuff" is simply to make rich people richer and poor people poorer.

Let's take the alcohol industry. Booze is now an indispensable part of social life to many people. You don't need it, but, c'mon(Big Business whispers into your ear) how you gone have fun without it?!

It's built into the cultural norms now by the artists hanging out in the marketing agencies of major alcohol companies. Artists or "creatives" sit around all day, with massive, huge marketing budgets, figuring out ways to sell you shit you don't need; con you out of the little money you might have worked for. They figure out a way to make certain "things" indispensable: "I need a BMW because how will clients take me seriously otherwise? I can't show up in a shitty Honda or Prius." A lie you tell yourself because people smarter than you conned you into believing it.

Again, "things" we don't need. These "things" cost money; your hard-earned cash. You can extrapolate the booze example outward in any direction in modern life. You don't need nice a car; shit, you may not even need a car at all. You don't need to buy a new wardrobe every week. You don't need a super nice cell phone. You don't need to travel the world. You don't need to get married or have 18 kids or buy a house.

I can hear it already: "Yeah but I want those things." Search your soul. Figure out why you want those things.

Step 3: Stop blindly spending your money on shit and ask why, no, seriously, why am I about to spend this money on this "thing"? Where does this motivation stem from to spend this money?

Every single advertisement should have, in big bold letters, the following disclaimer: Big Business tells the general public little white lies to drive the economy forward.

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