Should I include References on my Resume?

No. Nope. Never! References do not belong on a resume, period. The space on your resume is valuable real estate, so don’t waste it by adding information that 99.9% of employers don’t require up front. Instead, you should use this space for an additional skills section, a resume introduction, or more achievement-oriented bullet points. Including these details will be a lot more enticing to an employer than a list of names and phone numbers.
References do not belong on a resume, period.
In most cases, references aren’t requested until after the final in-person interview or near the end of the hiring process. HRs don’t have time contact every candidate’s list of references; it’s much more efficient for them to wait until they have narrowed down the candidate pool to about 2-3 final applicants. So if you reach this point in the hiring process and the manager asks you to provide a list of references, then what’s the best way to present them?
How To List References
Before you begin the job hunt, it’s helpful to gather your references into a ‘Professional Reference Page.’ Make sure to include the reference’s name, position title, organization, phone number, and their email address.
While some people suggest that you add the addresses of your references, we recommend that you leave them off for two reasons. First, hiring managers won’t be contacting your reference via snail mail. Second, your reference most likely doesn’t want you sharing all of their personal information. Finally, don’t forget to briefly mention your relation to the reference and how long you have known them.
How to Choose your Professional References
Your Options
The best references are often managers or former colleagues because they have first-hand knowledge of your skill and abilities in a work environment. Yet for a student or recent graduate, finding a set of professional references can be a bit difficult. So for those who lack work experience, teachers, professors, coaches, advisers, and guidance counselors are all suitable alternatives to a professional reference. 
Teachers, professors, coaches, advisers, and guidance counselors are all suitable references for those who lack work experience.
Neither friends nor family members are not great options and should only be used as a last resort. Family and friends do not hold much weight for employers since they are likely to only say positive things and aren’t aware of your abilities in a work environment.
Ask Permission
It’s never too early to begin compiling a list of reference options. The more choices you have, the easier it will be target your referral page during your job search. However, before you can add anyone to your reference page, you must first ask their permission. Not only is it polite to do so, but it also allows them to prepare their response.
Listing someone as your reference without asking permission could be detrimental to your job hunt. An unprepared reference will lack a well-thought-out response and could end up making you look bad in front of a potential employer.
Target your References
target and dartUnfortunately, you can’t add every person who you know willing to put in a good word for you. HRs aren’t going to spend time calling dozens of your acquaintances. Many employers will limit you to only three people, so you will have to choose wisely.
The are a few details you should consider when choosing who to include:
Which of my references are most relevant to the job I am applying for?
Do I have references that work in the industry I am applying to?
Which person would best highlight my skills that are applicable to the specific position?
Who is not suited to give me a reference for this particular job?
Asking yourself questions like those above will ensure that you narrow down your list to a few highly targeted references. Offering an employer a tailored list of recommendations will maximize your chances of being hired over the other final candidates.
Finally, after you get the job remember to thank your references. They helped you convince the employer that you were the right candidate for the position. The least they deserve is a nice thank you note.

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