Things Ridiculously Successful People Do Every Day

“Whenever you see a successful person, you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them.” – Vaibhav Shah
Kevin Kruse is one such person. He recently interviewed over 200 ultra-successful people, including 7 billionaires, 13 Olympians, and a host of accomplished entrepreneurs. One of his most revealing sources of information came from their answers to a simple open-ended question:
“What is your number one secret to productivity?”
In analyzing their responses, Kruse coded the answers to yield some fascinating suggestions. What follows are some of my favorites from Kevin’s findings.
1. They focus on minutes, not hours. Most people default to hour and half-hour blocks on their calendar; highly successful people know that there are 1,440 minutes in every day and that there is nothing more valuable than time. Money can be lost and made again, but time spent can never be reclaimed. As legendary Olympic gymnast Shannon Miller told Kevin, “To this day, I keep a schedule that is almost minute by minute.” You must master your minutes to master your life.
2. They focus on only one thing. Ultra-productive people know what their “Most Important Task” is and work on it for one to two hours each morning, without interruptions. What task will have the biggest impact on reaching your goals? What accomplishment will get you promoted at work? That’s what you should dedicate your mornings to every day.
3. They don’t use to-do lists. Throw away your to-do list; instead schedule everything on your calendar. It turns out that only 41% of items on to-do lists ever get done. All those undone items lead to stress and insomnia because of the Zeigarnik effect, which, in essence, means that uncompleted tasks will stay on your mind until you finish them. Highly productive people put everything on their calendar and then work and live by that calendar.
4. They beat procrastination with time travel. Your future self can’t be trusted. That’s because we are time inconsistent. We buy veggies today because we think we’ll eat healthy salads all week; then we throw out green rotting mush in the future. Successful people figure out what they can do now to make certain their future selves will do the right thing. Anticipate how you will self-sabotage in the future, and come up with a solution today to defeat your future self.
5. They make it home for dinner. Kevin first learned this one from Intel’s Andy Grove, who said, “There is always more to be done, more that should be done, always more than can be done.” Highly successful people know what they value in life. Yes, work, but also what else they value. There is no right answer, but for many, these other values include family time, exercise, and giving back. They consciously allocate their 1,440 minutes a day to each area they value (i.e., they put them on their calendar), and then they stick to that schedule.
6. They use a notebook. Richard Branson has said on more than one occasion that he wouldn’t have been able to build Virgin without a simple notebook, which he takes with him wherever he goes. In one interview, Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis said, “Always carry a notebook. Write everything down... That is a million dollar lesson they don’t teach you in business school!” Ultra-productive people free their minds by writing everything down as the thoughts come to them.
7. They process e-mails only a few times a day. Ultra-productive people don’t “check” their e-mail throughout the day. They don’t respond to each vibration or ding to see who has intruded into their inbox. Instead, like everything else, they schedule time to process their e-mails quickly and efficiently. For some, that’s only once a day; for others, it’s morning, noon, and night.
8. They avoid meetings at all costs. When Kevin asked Mark Cuban to give his best productivity advice, he quickly responded, “Never take meetings unless someone is writing a check.” Meetings are notorious time killers. They start late, have the wrong people in them, meander around their topics, and run long. You should get out of meetings whenever you can and hold fewer of them yourself. If you do run a meeting, keep it short and to the point.
9. They say “no” to almost everything. Billionaire Warren Buffet once said, “The difference between successful people and very successful people is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.” And James Altucher colorfully gave Kevin this tip: “If something is not a ‘Hell Yeah!’ then it’s a no.” Remember, you only have 1,440 minutes in a day. Don’t give them away easily.
10. They follow the 80/20 rule. Known as the Pareto Principle, in most cases, 80% of results come from only 20% of activities. Ultra-productive people know which activities drive the greatest results. Focus on those and ignore the rest.
11. They delegate almost everything. Ultra-productive people don’t ask, “How can I do this task?” Instead, they ask, “How can this task get done?” They take the I out of it as much as possible. Ultra-productive people don’t have control issues, and they are not micro-managers. In many cases, good enough is, well, good enough.
12. They touch things only once. How many times have you opened a piece of regular mail—a bill perhaps—and then put it down, only to deal with it again later? How often do you read an e-mail and then close it and leave it in your inbox to deal with later? Highly successful people try to “touch it once.” If it takes less than five or ten minutes—whatever it is—they deal with it right then and there. It reduces stress, since it won’t be in the back of their minds, and it is more efficient, since they won’t have to re-read or re-evaluate the item again in the future.
13. They practice a consistent morning routine. Kevin’s single greatest surprise while interviewing over 200 highly successful people was how many of them wanted to share their morning ritual with him. While he heard about a wide variety of habits, most nurtured their bodies in the morning with water, a healthy breakfast, and light exercise, and they nurtured their minds with meditation or prayer, inspirational reading, or journaling.
14. Energy is everything. You can’t make more minutes in the day, but you can increase your energy to increase your attention, focus, and productivity. Highly successful people don’t skip meals, sleep, or breaks in the pursuit of more, more, more. Instead, they view food as fuel, sleep as recovery, and breaks as opportunities to recharge in order to get even more done.

Things to Never Do in a Panel Interview

If you’ve prepared for the phone interview, a video chat, the one-on-one interview and the salary conversation with HR. But, if you’ve forgotten to plan for a possible panel interview, you’ve missed a step.
Panel interviews, for those who haven’t encountered them before, involve a candidate sitting across from three or more hiring managers and meeting with them all at once in a 45- to 60-minute interview — cue the panic sweats and visions of a firing squad.
Anxiety is normal, but the job interview jitters can be mitigated by anticipating and preparing for these panel interviews. After all, many companies are including these types of meetings in their hiring processes due to time constraints and multiple stakeholders.
As you account for this new step in your job search, there is plenty that you’ll need to do to bring your A game. However, there are also nine things you should never do in a panel interview — here we break them down:

Do not…

1. Only address the most senior person in the room
Everyone in a panel interview may have a vote on whether you join the team, so do not make the mistake of responding only to the senior-level team members. Give everyone your attention, look each person in the eye when responding and give their feedback equal weight.
2. Forget interviewers’ names & roles
Before any interview, learn the names and responsibilities of every person who will be in the room. Part of your interview prep process is to research each person and get familiar with their names, titles and roles. And in the event that another interviewer is sprung on you last minute, try your hardest to remember their name and address them directly.
3. Get flustered and give up
Interview questions can be hard, especially the oddball ones. However, that’s no excuse to lose your cool — deep breaths and thoughtful responses are always best. And if you don’t know an answer, a great reply is, “I’m not confident in my answer to that one, but I can follow up with you after this interview.”
4. Get defensive
It’s easy to get defensive when interviewers ask about a gap in your resume, recent unemployment or a touchy termination. However, in situations like these, it’s best to bite your tongue. You’ve prepared for these questions, remember? Simply deliver your anecdotal response confidently and whatever you do, don’t get defensive. No one wants to hire a hot head.
5. Ignore your body language
“You have to stand up straight. You have to smile, look at the person’s face,” says body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass. But more importantly, she says, “You have to be interested, not [just] interesting. Be concerned about what you’re doing and about what you can do for the company, not what the company can do for you. That’s where people really get in trouble, especially millennials. Being too self-absorbed in the workplace can harm your chances for success. You have to talk about what you provide and contribute to the company, and your body language [should reinforce] that.”
6. Rush
Nervousness can make you whiz through answers and seem harried. Simply put: Slow. It. Down.
7. Forget to balance answering with listening
Don’t be so worried about the next question that you forget to listen to your interviewers. Be sure you are taking in as much information as you are sharing. After all, the interview process is like dating — each side wants to discover whether the other is the right fit.
8. Leave the room without asking key questions
From learning labs to formal mentorship programs, get a sense of what the company offers in the way of professional growth and development opportunities. After all, if you proceed with this company, you want to know that you have a future there and opportunities to be challenged.
9. Wrap up before getting everyone’s contact information
You want to acknowledge each person who interviewed you, so make sure to get business cards as you go in order to send thoughtful thank-you notes. Also, try to jot down a note or two as you speak with various team members so that you can include a specific detail in each of your correspondences.

How to get the job even if don’t have prior relevant experiences?

First, remember that everyone begins with no experience–so you’re not alone.
You didn’t mention which fields you’re interested in entering, but you did say your English degree was useless. I strongly disagree. An English degree may not translate immediately to a great focused job the same way a degree in, say, accounting might do, but it certifies that you have high-level skills in communication, analytical thinking, and creativity–skills that are greatly valued in many workplace settings. Depending on the professional and educational choices you make now, your degree can be the springboard to anything from law to journalism to technical writing to teaching.
When you are just out of college and embarking on finding a career path, it’s easy to feel intimidated. Job searching without much work experience can be frustrating, but with some hard work, a lot of ambition, and confidence in yourself, it can happen.
Here’s how to get there:
If you’re applying for entry-level positions, most people aren’t expecting you to come in with a resume filled with experience. Instead, embrace your inexperience and leverage it as motivation to learn. Highlight examples of your dedication, curiosity, and commitment to learning and growth. People who are hiring are looking for people who are willing to work hard and want to learn.

Make a list of all the skills listed in postings for the role you’re looking to get: computer skills, technical skills, communication skills, research skills, problem-solving skills. What do people come to you for help with?

When you decide to apply for a given position, you must have a reason to believe you can do the job well. Spend some time analyzing that link. What formal or informal experience do you have, or what personal traits, that make the job a good fit? Be analytical and creative in this process. Once you establish the link for yourself, you can explain it to a potential employer.

What will make you stand out from the rest? Remember to showcase qualities like friendliness, professionalism, responsiveness, and follow-through. Strong soft skills can go a long way, because they can’t really be taught.

You might not have years of work experience, but what else in your background can demonstrate your worth to an employer? Experience doesn’t have to just come from traditional jobs; market any skills you’ve developed in other areas of your life.

Confidence is important, but it has to be laced with humility and modesty–the hallmarks of “beginner’s mind.” Show that you can do the job, but also show that you’re willing to learn.

If you can’t find a job, work for free. A volunteer position can be easier to find than an internship. Volunteer for as much relevant service as you can. You’ll not only gain valuable experience, but will also be able to build a network and get a foot in the door.

Building your personal network is a reliable path to a great job at any stage of life. Connect with everyone you know–and in turn with everyone they know–through social media, community and professional events, setting up lunch or coffee dates to stay in touch, any way you can find.

It may be that you need more education to qualify for what you really want to do–for example, if you discover an interest in law, then it may be time to apply to law school. But even outside of formal education, find ways to keep current and expand your base of knowledge–take noncredit or audit classes, enroll in professional development or special training courses, or just do a lot of reading in your fields of interest.

Even making the most of your skills and experience, make sure you’re applying for positions that are appropriate for you. In a tight job market where employers are flooded with highly qualified applicants, there’s less incentive to take a chance on a marginally qualified candidate. Carefully target jobs you truly can prove you can succeed in–not just those where you think, “I could do that,” but those where you can excel with the strength and skills you already have.
The more defeated you allow yourself to feel, the more defeatist this experience will be. Every day, do something to find a job, and do it with the mind-set that it is not a futile undertaking but an adventure, a chance to learn and explore.

Along the way, remember to put yourself in the shoes of those who will be hiring you. What should make them excited about you? The answer to that question needs to be reflected in everything you do–from your responses on job searches to your cover letter, your résumé and your interview. Make a compelling case for yourself, take your life in your own hands, and make this work.

Follow these steps to keep your money safe while making payments online

As smartphones get cheaper and data prices go down, a large number of Indians are taking to smartphones and using them for making payments.
The sudden surge in digital payments also increases the risk of cyber theft as new users don't take all the required precautions for safe transactions.
Cyber security firm Kaspersky has recently detected a new malware, Xafecopy Trojan, that steals money through smartphones. Nearly 40 per cent of its targets have been detected in India.
Disguised as a useful apps, the trojan secretly loads malicious code onto the device. Once the app is activated, the trojan clicks on web pages with Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) billing, a form of mobile payment that charges costs directly to the user's mobile phone bill. The trojan silently subscribes the phone to a number of services.
This trojan had not been observed for a while, but in Q2 of 2017 it became surprisingly common, hitting mobile phones mostly in India and Russia.
Smartphones are riskier than desktops as they are easier to target. According to a Kaspersky security bulletin, there was a sudden spurt in malware attacks on Android devices in 2016.
Since there is no escape from making online payments in today's world, you must take adequate precautions to keep your money safe. Below are 10 steps that can ensure safe online payments:
1. Search the Internet carefully
When you are looking for product reviews or price comparisons on a search engine, you run the risk of unintentionally clicking on a ‘poisoned’ search result that can lead you to malware instead of your intended destination. Poisoned search results are created by cyber criminals who use search engine optimisation tricks—called Black SEO—to manipulate search results to insert malicious links. Tools such as Kaspersky’s URL Advisor or third-party browser add-ons such as Web of Trust can help you avoid poisoned links and malicious websites.
2. Type, don't click
Type the URL in the address bar instead of clicking a link to go to your chosen retailer’s website. It may take a little more effort, but this simple action can help avoid visiting fake and malicious websites. Ensure that the link starts with 'https'. The 's' symbolises a secure site. Make sure there is a padlock symbol in the browser window frame whenever you visit a payment site.
3. Get a temporary credit card
Some credit card companies issue temporary credit card numbers for their customers. These temporary numbers are meant for one-time purchases. Even if the information is stolen, it is of no use. However, you cannot use them for purchases that require regular payments and auto-renewal. In that case, use a credit card that has a low limit.
4. Use a dedicated computer
You can keep a computer solely for financial transactions. Install Google Chrome with HTTPS enforcement and also a trusted anti-virus programme. Keep the dedicated computer clean: don't use it for casual surfing or social networking.
5. Use a dedicated email address
Create an email address only for online shopping. This can help you reduce the risk of opening potentially malicious email or spam messages which are disguised as various kinds of notifications or sales promotion.
6. Use a password manager
A password manager can help you deal with multiple accounts. A manager encrypts passwords which would otherwise be in plain text. A manager will also help you avoid a common mistake—keeping one password for all your accounts. Some antivirus and Internet security products include password management and password security features.
7. Avoid public Wi-Fi/computers
Never do financial transactions on a public Wi-Fi. Hackers can intrude easily into a public WI-Fi network and steal your login details. If you need to make a financial transaction when you are out, use your own mobile phone network.
8. Keep your data to yourself
Don't save your bank and personal details in a browser or a payment site. Type the information whenever you make a transaction. Don't forget to log out every time you log in.
9. Avoid apps that you can’t trust
Often, smartphone apps carry malware. If you are not sure of an app, don’t download it instantly. Spend a little time reading about it, going through its terms and conditions and knowing what current users say about it. Only download apps from the official app store.
10. Buy from a reputed merchant
Before making payments online, make sure your merchant is reputed and trusted. Websites of many small merchants are not secure enough to prevent data theft. If you think the merchant is not trustworthy, don't pay online. Opt for cash on delivery.

China blocks WhatsApp

WhatsApp, the most popular messaging service has been disrupted by Chinese government. The government has stepped up the security ahead of upcoming Communist Party meeting.

The messaging service owned by Facebook has started going offline more than a week ago in China. The government is heavily tightening up the security ahead Communist Party’s national congress, which is organized every five years. The Chinese regime is increasing the censorship in the country.
Recently WeChat, the most used messaging app in China has publicly accepted collecting and sharing the sensitive user data with the government. The Chinese regime has been the center of criticism for violating the privacy of Chinese citizens. The government recently passed a rule that will let authorities to access and seize citizen’s digital data and assets without the need of any warrant.
WhatsApp is the only Facebook-owned service that was allowed in China. The step to tighten censorship is part of China’s agenda of online policing. WhatsApp started going down last week, users were not able to use any of the services. Text messages, voice and video calls seemed to be working on Tuesday but the multimedia content was not going through.
The Chinese regime has issued new rules that require tech companies to store user data and share it with the authorities. WhatsApp, on the other hand, offers end-to-end encryption. Other global services like Facebook, Gmail, Viber are already blocked in China. Users might consider using VPN servers to access these online services.
Blocking WhatsApp in China might not affect many users. Most of the Chinese users are on WeChat for the communication. However posts on the Chinese social network, Weibo are not very welcoming. Many users in China are relying on WhatsApp for international communications. One of the users has posted a frustrating post saying, “I can live without the others (applications), but blocking WhatsApp is driving me crazy.”

This will solve your biggest WhatsApp problem

It seems that Facebook-owned WhatsApp is all set to bring a solution to one of the major problem encountered by its users. The popular messaging app is rolling out a new feature -- presently in Android beta -- which will enable users to manage the storage on their smartphone.
The feature is already available for iOS users and will give a detailed break-up of the space consumed by various chats on their smartphones.
In order to use the feature, Android beta testers have to go to Settings> Data and Storage usage> Storage usage.
When a user will tap on storage usage, then they will have to wait for the app to load all the chat conversations. After this, the app will then show the amount of space occupied by each chat. Along with this, the feature will also tell users which group or individual chat is occupying maximum storage.
Once users have tapped on a group or individual chat then they will see detailed information about the message type which have been received and sent. The messages include text messages, GIFs, locations, images, audio messages and various document files. Users will also be allowed to manage storage by deleting messages or media files.
The feature is presently available for WhatsApp beta version 2.17.340 and is soon expected to be available for public.
Recently, a report surfaced online suggesting that WhatsApp is testing its 'unsend' feature. The new feature will allow the users to recall the messages sent mistakenly.
To be called 'Delete for everyone' feature, it will enable users to erase messages before their contacts have read them. As per WaBetaInfo (@wabetainfo), a Twitter account that tracks changes in WhatsApp's beta builds, the company is testing the feature on both Android and iOS. The leak also confirms that the dedicated recall server is now working and is deleting messages.

Websites Like Facebook: Other Social Networking Sites

hese sites are all great alternatives for social butterflies or businesses looking to meet new people or grow their connections.
These Facebook alternatives all tackle social networking from a different angle. There is a social networking site out there for you, regardless of the features you are seeking.
Stop by the comment section to share your favourite social networking site!

Sites Like Facebook

Other Popular Social Networking Sites

1. Tsu

Start Getting Rewarded for Being Social

Tsu aims to tip social networking back to a YouTube model in which content creators are rewarded with a share of the revenue that they generate.
Just imagine if every single item you posted on Facebook or Twitter over the past few years was earning you a few dollars. The content that you create is the reason that Facebook and other social media sites are successful, but they pocket all the profits from the advertising revenue.
Tsu flips this formula on its head by giving 90% of what it makes through advertising back to users. Both Facebook and Twitter users will also find a range of advanced metrics on Tsu, making it ideal for both individuals and businesses to track their engagement.
As Tsu is new (launched in November 2014), only time will tell if it will one day reach the heights of the likes of Facebook. But one thing is for sure: You'll want to get in early to set yourself up and claim a desired name. Currently Tsu is available by invite only.

Tsu Founder Interview


2. InterNations

The Community for Expats to Connect and Network

If you're an expatriate, or plan to be one at some point in your life, is a social network that you should be a part of.
This website has well over a million members spread across 190 countries. InterNations makes it extremely easy to connect with other expats so that you can make friends, exchange information or organise events and activities.
If you live or work abroad InterNations will help you reconnect with your home country by helping you connect with other expatriates in a similar situation and interests.
In addition to connecting with people InterNations offers a range of extremely valuable content through services and guides that members can access for free. This ranges from regular in depth articles about living and working in some of the most popular expat cities along with deals, exclusive offers and reviews for all the must visit places.
If you love to travel or are planning to work and live overseas at some point in your life you should definitely consider building a network on InterNations which will prove invaluable.

3. Muut

Create Your Own Discussion Groups

Muut is a fun discussion- and forum-orientated site that allows you to easily create your own online community of friends, family members, or associates. Forums are easy to set up, join, and manage.
Muut offers lots of options as to what you want to make private and public. Tired of having a large group messages on Facebook? Create a private discussion board instantly with Muut to keep track of everyone.
The possibilities with Muut are endless and you'll find all the features you need in the free version. Or choose to upgrade for a few extra perks.

4. LinkedIn

A Site to Create a Professional Profile

LinkedIn is a site that focuses on creating profiles for professionals. It is a great social networking website to build business and employment relations, featuring over 170 million registered users in over 190 countries.
LinkedIn is now ahead of MySpace in terms of traffic, making it one of the most popular social networking sites around. The main focus is to allow users to easily track people that they have a relationship with (known as connections). Connections can be used to meet others people, through introductions. Your profile can include your resume, display your industry connections, and help you to follow up job openings as they become available.
If you are looking to create a more professional social profile, then LinkedIn will have you covered.

What Is LinkedIn?


5. Google+

The Latest Social Site

Google+ is one of the newest additions to the social networking industry. Google refers to Google+ as a social "layer" rather than a social networking site, due to its integration with a number of other Google properties.
Google+ is currently dominated by celebrity and web personalities and is mostly used to share web-related content. The site allows you to create your own web identity, connect with friends, and follow other interesting people.
Google+ lets you to easily sort your contacts into groups, which allows you to control who sees what, create a group for your family or friends, and even put your boss in his or her own circle.

Google+ Overview


6. MySpace

The Original Social Networking Site

MySpace went live a year before Facebook. Founded in 2003, MySpace has changed hands several times. The website now focuses primarily on musicians, artists, and filmmaker pages but does still welcome personal pages. MySpace even offers Facebook integration now and all of the features that you would expect from a web 2.0 social networking website: customizable profiles, blogs, and a variety of multimedia options.
If you are an artist looking to grow your reach through social networking, then this site is definitely worth your time. Now that it integrates easily with Facebook, you can manage two profiles with ease.

The Rebranding of Myspace


7. Friendster

A Site Filled With Games

Friendster is a popular site that is mostly made up of members from Asian countries. The website was originally social-focused, but now has incorporated a number of games and prizes (which has proven very successful).
Friendster is now considered a social gaming platform and no longer offers a number of social features. Friendster allows you to easily find people based on their gender, interests, and age (depending on their privacy settings) while also playing games from the site's vast collection. These games include singleplay, multiplayer, and even MMO-style games from a number of different genres.
If you are a gamer looking to connect with people while also playing games, then Friendster is the website for you.

Friendster Overview



"The Professional Network" Site

XING is a site with similar features to LinkedIn. XING aims to be a social networking platform that allows professionals to network with each other. With XING you can market yourself in a professional manner, create business connections, and potentially land your dream job.
XING, like most social platforms, offers profiles, forums, events, and groups to help the social process. While membership is free there are many premium features that can only be accessed with a paid membership. Premium features include searching for people with specific qualifications and messaging people who are not already on your contact list (allowing you to outreach to people more easily).

What Is XING?


9. MeetMe (MyYearbook)

Meet People and Play Games on This Site

MeetMe allows you to easily find other people that share your interests and build a relationship with them. This site even allows you to link your Facebook account (and use it as your login).
The site was originally called "My Yearbook" and focused on helping users find old friends. The site has since been revamped into MeetMe, and focuses on creating new friendship connections.
MeetMe is free to join and it is free connect with other members. Paid membership options offer virtual currency that can be used in the site's large game collection. MeetMe also has a built-in chat client and real-time stream that allow for easy media sharing and multiplayer gaming.

10. Tagged

Find People With Similar Interests on This Site

Tagged is a different site that allows you to easily discover new friends based on interests. On Tagged you'll create your own profile and browse other profiles based on their interests. Tagged boasts over 200 million users with nearly 20 million unique monthly visits.
Once you start your free account on Tagged you can customise your profile and build your biography with information that helps the site find other users with similar interests. Your Tagged page allows you to upload photos, receive messages, send virtual gifts, and much more.
The social games on Tagged have a nice spin on them in that they are part of the discovery process. Players are often encouraged to make new friends through playing games. Tagged has its own in-house game development team, which means that the games on Tagged are unique.

Learn More About Tagged


11. Netlog

Another Popular Social Site

Netlog started in 2003 and grew quickly. By 2012 the site had a user base of over 100 million members. Netlog offers all the standard features of a social networking site including a blog, friends, pictures, and your own personal guestbook.
Netlog focuses on localization to deliver results that are specific to individual users. This means that users can be matched with people in the same country and age-group.

Best JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript web frameworks can become a silver bullet for quick web app development. They serve as a skeleton for single page apps, allow developers to worry less about code structure or maintenance while focusing on creation of complex interface elements, and expand opportunities of JS and plain HTML.

The advantages of using JavaScript frameworks:

  • Efficiency — projects that used to take months and hundreds of lines of code now can be achieved much faster with well-structured prebuilt patterns and functions.
  • Safety — top javascript frameworks have firm security arrangements and are supported by large communities where members and users also act as testers.
  • Cost — most frameworks are open source and free. Since they help programmers to build custom solutions faster, the ultimate price for web app will be lower.

Best JavaScript frameworks in 2017:

After a long-awaited release of Angular back in 2016, its popularity has touched new heights, though AngularJS will hold off on giving ground in 2017.
Angular.js is often referred to as an MVW (Model-View-Whatever) framework and among the top benefits, for startups and mid-sized companies, people name: quick code production, easy testing of any app part and two-way data binding (changes in the backend are immediately reflected on the UI). Since release its ecosystem has gone beyond imagination. As for now, it is reasonably called the most used JS framework for SPAs (Single-Page Applications) development and it boasts the largest community of developers.
Angular2 comes with a long list of features that enable building everything, ranging from web to desktop and mobile. Framework is built with TypeScript from Microsoft with an eye to making JavaScript more agile and attractive for large enterprises. ng2 features a component-based architecture, improved DI (dependency injection), efficient logging service, inter-component communications and more.
Both Angular-s are a better option for enterprise-based applications or for strict programming environments with high standards for code readability.
We’ve already made React and Angular comparison, despite the fact that it is more of a library than a JS framework. It stands behind user interfaces of Facebook and Instagram, showing its efficiency within dynamic high-traffic applications.
It is rightly considered the fastest growing JS framework: as of today, there are about 1,000 contributors on Github. In MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern React.js acts as “V” and can be smoothly integrated with any architecture. Due to the usage of virtual DOM it provides a great performance boost, comparing to Angular 1.x. In addition to that, React components can be created and re-used among applications or even transferred for public use.
Despite the fact that React has a higher learning curve, it makes app development straightforward and easy-to-understand. Furthermore it can be a perfect fit for complex, high-load and awesome software solutions.
Vue 2.0 was also introduced in 2016 and it took the best from Ember, React and Angular, putting all that into a handy package. It is proved to be faster and leaner, comparing to React and Angular 2.0.
Going deeper, Vue.js offers two-way data binding (seen in AngularJS), server-side rendering (like in Angular2 and ReactJS), Vue-cli (scaffolding tool for quick start) and optional JSX support. Its founder states that Vue 2 is one of the fastest frameworks all in all.
Vue.js is a better choice for quick development of cross-platform solutions. It can become a firm basis for high-end single page applications (SPAs) and beneficial solution to those cases, when performance is put ahead of good code organization or app structure.
Back in 2015 Ember was called the best javascript framework for web application, leaving behind React and AngularJS. Today it boasts a huge online community, regular updates and wide appliance of JavaScript best practices to guarantee ultimate experience right out of the box.
Ember features two-way data binding, like Angular.js, keeping both view and model in sync for all the time. Applying Fastboot.js module it ensures prompt server-side rendering of DOM, improving performance of complex UIs.
Emberjs is commonly usable for complex feature-rich web applications and website. Among the top users are Chipotle, Blue Apron, Nordstrom, Kickstarter, LinkedIn, Netflix and many others. Moreover it has an easier learning curve and there are oceans of tutorials and guide available online.
Meteor is among the most popular JavaScript frameworks but which comes well-heeled with tons of features for back-end development, front-end rendering, database management and business logic. Since release in 2012 its ecosystem has grown drastically and at a swift rate.
This full-stack platform enables fast development of end-to-end web and mobile applications in pure JavaScript. Due to modular structure all the packages and libraries can be used at pace. In terms of performance, all the changes in the database are immediately transmitted to the UI and in conversely with no evident time losses caused by different languages or server response time.
MeteorJS covers all the phases of software development cycle and takes care of such glooming processes as linking, files concatenation and others. It is of current usage in real-time application development for business companies like Mazda, IKEA, Honeywell and many others.

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